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Would it be possible to take all samples in question to U R I...The teachers there have taught many D E M youngsters in agronomy and water resources. Remember folks it is not just an Aggie college anymore.Seems like a lot of "stuff" can be taken out of the mix in good old Rhody. Extend runways to Quonset,where they belonged in the first place.It is interesting how this fecal matter "study" is going

Is more coming out of local "committees and studies". i e E P A...D E M,..R I A C..B B nauseum...

B B C.. I remember running barefoot catching Buckeyes and "necking" behind the Brookside Chicken Coupe"..for crying out loud stop nursing all these projects in R I and JUST DO IT

From: Council asks DEM, airport for added Buckeye Brook safeguards

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