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With a seven thousand year history of cannabis use, as safe and effective for many ailments and just for relaxing why do you believe its wrong.

The noted scientist Carl Sagan ultimately concluded that it was easy to use marijuana in moderation. For that reason he wrote that "the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."

He proposes a plant that brings unity and fellowship, however I guess that is an awful thing.

So it seems people do not realize that cannabis is more beneficial than damaging to most people. It was the most prescribed medicine in the world before the US policy made it illegal in 1937. So drink you lives away, smoke your tobacco, take your pills the doctor gave you and let people use cannabis.

It seems sad that so many people truly believe the lies of a government that keeps marijuana illegal because in our past robber barons felt it would hurt their bottom line and today thousands of jobs are at stake, jobs that arrest, judge and in prison. I guess locking people in prison is the preferred response to those who are against marijuana.

Still today people think of it as a negative instead of the most wonderful and helpful plant on the planet. Sad that the truth is hidden from the people.

The nation of Israel is leading research and prescribing marijuana for many ailments. Is not simply relaxing and enjoying the night off or the weekend off a good thing? People who use fear like the propaganda film Reefer Madness are simply uninformed, or believe the lies our government has told for many years. Are apparently are afraid to do the research for the truth for themselves.

Ask yourself if marijuana is so terrible why has there never been a recorded death due solely to cannabis use. 25k killed by drunk drivers ever years. More drug overdoses from legal drugs than all the illegal drugs combined. Propaganda is a very powerful weapon that many people can never see the truth of the matter.

From: Do you support making Rhode Island the third state to legalize recreational marijuana?

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