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This article has some great key information, such as that we have 400 miles of roads, and that it costs 1 million per mile to rebuild them. Also, that roads last 20 years on average. But I wish the Beacon had asked how many miles of roads are approaching or over that 20 year mark. This would give us a better view of the complete financial scope of the main issue. If even 25% of our roads are near or past 20 years, does that make it a 100 million dollar problem? Our highway people certainly have the age of the roads as well as condition status information on hand, lets see that data because we as a community will have to work with this, it wont go away. Money is tight, but at 1 million per mile, 450k covers replacing .001125 of our roads not even accounting for short term repairs and is only 1.5% of the budget. Also, another good question would have been to ask the sewer authority how many miles they will be replacing in the near term, and do they have that budgeted. Anyway, my 2 cents.

From: $5M road bond in limbo

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