

APPROVED August 17, 2022
Frank J. Picozzi, MAYOR



Be it ordained by the City of Warwick:

Section I. The Zoning Map and the Record Book of Lot Classifications which are a part of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Warwick are hereby amended by changing the classification of the following described premises from Gateway (G) to Intermodal (IM) for the purpose of constructing two (2) 100-unit residential apartment buildings with associated parking, utilities, landscaping and drainage on the subject parcel:

Lots 523 & 130 on Assessor’s Plat 323 as said plats appeared in the Tax Assessor’s office on December 31, 2021 are hereby changed from Gateway (G) to Intermodal (IM). The lots are set forth in the legal description and on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Subject to the following conditions, waivers and stipulations:

1. That all Plans shall comply with “Rules and Regulations for Professional Land Surveying in the State of Rhode Island,” effective date November 25, 2015.

2. That the Applicant shall submit a Preliminary Land Development Plan that complies with Appendix C, Final Application, of the City’s Development Review Regulations Governing Subdivisions, Land Development Projects, and Development Plan Review, last amendment dated March 14, 2001.

3. Abandoned rights-of-way must be shown on subsequent submissions.

4. Stations and offsets must be indicated for any changes in property lines along Post Road.

5. That a Storm Water Management Plan shall be submitted in accordance with the latest version of the Rhode Island Storm Water Design and Installation Standards Manual, which is designed to demonstrate a net zero rate of runoff from the proposed development.

6. That the design engineer meet with the City of Warwick Department of Public Works (DPW) engineering staff to review the proposed drainage system, roadway modifications, and other related items prior to submission to the RI Department of Environmental Management (DEM) or Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT).

7. That an Operation and Maintenance Plan for the proposed stormwater collection system be included with the Preliminary Plan submission to the Planning Department.

8. That an adequate number of fire hydrants spaced 300’ apart and provide a minimum of 1000 GPM. Sprinklered buildings require a hydrant within 100 Ft. of the Fire Department Connection.

9. There shall be no architectural, landscaping or natural barriers to prevent easy access of fire apparatus.

10. That the applicant design the sewer system to Warwick Sewer Authority (WSA) standards.

11. That the applicant design the water system in accordance with Warwick Water Division (WWD) standards and requirements.

12. That the Applicant provide the following items related to traffic and circulation with their Preliminary Plan application:

a. A letter from RIDOT stating that a Physical Alteration Permit (PAP) will be granted for the project, provided necessary bonding, insurance, and any other requirements are met.

b. Detailed plans that outline any proposed mitigation measures that seek to minimize or eliminate disruption to the existing traffic flow, as required by RIDOT.

c. A review of the entrance driveway as it relates to abutting lot 130 and a design solution resolving any conflicts with the existing parking for lot 130.

d. All corners shall be negotiable by vehicles having an outer tire radius of 50 Ft., Left or Right.

e. Plan depicting future private driveway and pedestrian connection to Montebello Road through Assessor’s Plat 323 Lots 294, 295, 319.

13. That the Preliminary Plan phase submission include a landscape plan prepared by a registered landscape architect, approved by the City’s Landscape Coordinator, that meets all requirements under Section 505 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, and includes the following:

a. Plantings, as practicable, within and around any stormwater management basins and swales. Plantings shall include native grasses, perennials, and shrubs that will assist in the control of erosion, uptake and treatment of stormwater, and reduction of any fertilizers or nutrient supplements.

b. Enhanced landscaping in all planting areas fronting Post Road. Enhanced landscape areas shall include ornamental perennials, shrubs and trees; LED lighting; stone walls; and/or similar elements that serve to enhance the overall aesthetic of this highly visible vehicular thoroughfare and key entries to interior residential neighborhoods. Such landscaping shall be consistent with the City Centre Warwick Design Manual.

c. Preservation of existing healthy trees and shrubs to the extent practicable.

d. The integration of signage with hardscape and soft-scape landscape elements (i.e. stone sign base, integration of signage into a wall, and/or accentuating plantings) and additional internal pedestrian connections where feasible.

14. That the Preliminary Plan submittal include a photometric site plan, and specifications for all exterior lighting. Site lighting shall be Dark Sky compliant, to the extent practicable. All exterior lighting and signage shall be designed to minimize negative impacts on neighboring properties. Glare from outdoor lights, signs, and from the movement of vehicles on site shall be shielded from the view of adjacent properties.

15. That the Preliminary Plan submittal shall include location, details, and color elevations of all proposed signage. All signage shall be subject to approval by the Administrative Officer to the Planning Board and conform to the standards of the Warwick Zoning Ordinance, Section 800 and City Centre Warwick Design Manual.

16. That the Preliminary Plan submittal include updated color elevations of the proposed building façade. Elevations shall be consistent with the City Centre Warwick Design Manual as evidenced by an architectural narrative demonstrating compliance with said manual.

Section II.  The Clerk of the Zoning Board of Review is hereby authorized and directed to cause said changes to be made on the Zoning Map and the Record Book of Lot Classifications.

Section III.  This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as prescribed by law.



Lynn D’Abrosca, City Clerk


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