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thank you CVS ! Warwick FireFighters forget who pays their salaries!t

Section 40-1 Warwick City Code of Ordinances: Disorderly Conduct

Warwick firefighters and municipal employees were in clear violation at city hall on 12/15/2014


Any person who shall maliciously interrupt the speaker of any lawful assembly or impairs the lawful rights of others to participate effectively in such assembly or meeting when such conduct is calculated to provoke or tend to cause turmoil or disturbance;

Sec. 48-115. - Standard of conduct of employees.

Every city employee shall fulfill conscientiously, according to the Charter and this Code, or other city ordinance, the duties of the office conferred upon him/her, and shall prove himself/herself in his/her behavior inside and outside the office worthy of the esteem which his/her profession requires. In his/her official activity, the city employee shall pursue the common good, and not only be impartial but so act as not to endanger his/her impartiality or to give occasion for distrust of his/her impartiality.

(Code 1971, § 14-90)

From: CVS answers firefighters’ boycott over Cushman

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