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The "lease purchase" acct is not even a line item in the city budget. The "lease purchase" account is a rogue, debt "slush fund" debt line item that is funded via tax revenue surplus, (just like the $800,000 dollars was that was the so-called "bonus" to city employees). Instead of fixing our roads, the Mayor chooses to dish out political pandering bonuses and instead have the tax payers borrow more money to pay back. The "lease purchase" debt total last year was $1,063, 833. Mayor Avedisian sits on the board of the RI Interlocal Trust. How much is the Trust chipping in for all of the destroyed city vehicles? The firefighters stressed failing apparatus months ago which in turn affected their ability to efficiently put out the Westgate Condo fire. Any accountability there? Warwick just lost a brand new rescue vehicle in an unfortunate road accident. How much is the InterLocal trust covering for that? A drunk driver smashed into one of our firetrucks. Interlock trust paying for that? Five more garbage trucks caught on fire and were destroyed. The same model garbage trucks burned 3 years ago. How could that have been prevented with the city's outstanding preventative maintenance program? How much is the Mayor's Trust fund going to pay there? What happens if the city loses more vehicles if we can't afford the lease purchase debt account today? The firefighters get "cadillac" quality taxpayer funded fire trucks but did they research more affordable, quality trucks? Have the grants pay for the "cadillac's" and the taxpayers pay for the more affordable models, but of course not, how dare the we even suggest it, our employers may be contacted. In the meantime Warwick citizens line up at city hall for hours with their vehicle damage claims in hand, seeking reimbursement as a result of hitting potholes lining the streets of Warwick. Five hundred vacant homes currently sprinkled throughout Warwick and 1500 homes to tax sale. Small businesses getting hassled by red tape bureaucracy and closing down due to the ever increasing taxes. Home owners desperately concerned about how they will pay their next water/sewer bill. The city doesn't even have the capability to clear sidewalks of snow but hopes to stay on an unaffordable slush funding program that avoids spending spikes. What about the $2.1 million more Warwick taxpayers will have to come up with this year to fund those pensions? Oh that's right, the new property tax assessments and resulting tax increases will justify that. Seventeen million dollar increase for city unfunded healthcare liabilities. Councilwoman Vella-Wilkinson along with the Warwick Retirement board has also just been found to be in major Open Meetings Act violations by the RI Attorney Generals office. Councilwoman Vella-Wilkinson also recently lead the way for a "bait and switch' at city hall that prevented the public from being able to ask questions of the Warwick city actuary, Joe Newton. The best "5 year plan" would be for the Warwick voters getting to the polls in 2016 and voting out this clearly incompetent Warwick leadership.

From: Vehicular replacement being eyed

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