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My son was bullied by 3 teachers when he was in 6th grade, so bad he was pulling his hair screaming he couldn't take it any more. He is a special ed student with autism and is not a behavior issue at all. The kids where made to sit in the auditorium before school where the were yelled at to be quiet because of the yelling he would cover his ears he was told by a TA that covering his ears made him look weird! Any one who knows anything about Autism would know that loud noises will cover their ears to block out the sound. When I went to the Principal to complain the Special Ed TEACHER and her TA started calling him bratty and pick on him trying to make him out to be that behavior issue. We called for a meeting where it was agreed that he would not sit in the auditorium. The next day he was pulled aside by the TA and questioned about what he said in the meeting. When we questioned her intentions it was stated by the SPECIAL ED TEACHER that she just wanted to know what had changed in his IEP. That is the TEACHERS job. One day the 6th graders where out in the hall way and the 6th grade teachers came out screaming at them to be quiet one of the other teachers slammed her door when the teacher started yelling my son of course covered his ears, this TEACHER went NUTS. She made him repeat 3 times in front of the whole class that covering my ears is disrespectful to the teacher. And yes she was well aware of his disability We again called for a meeting the day before the meeting my son was giving a "BLUE CARD" form the TA for what she called a physical touch of another student. That was it I kept him out of school and took him to discuss the issues with Dr. D. While we were there we meet in passing the Special Ed Asst. director that handled his case. I told him what was going on and than went in the meeting with Dr.D We spent about an hour of hearing things my son never told us what was going on. Dr. D asked what would happen if he talked to the teachers and my son said "don't bother cause their going to lie to you to." Later that afternoon we went to our meeting where we were meet by the SPECIAL ED TEACHER sitting fold her arms across her chest with a look of disgust on her face. When I brought up the blue card I explain that in my opinion I didn't think they knew how to handle kids with Autism. She jumped up SCREAMING "THIS MEETINGS OVER I WANT UNION REPRESENTATION" AND STATED THAT MAYBE YOUR SON NEEDS TO GO BACK TO HIS HOME SCHOOL WHERE HE BELONGS" . Guess what nothing was done. These people are STILL TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN. We went to a lawyer who told us we would need about $200,000 thousand to fight the school department over the bulling. Nice. If you look at the Warwick School Department Anti Bulling Policy it does not state any where about TEACHER BULLING STUDENTS. WHy is that?

From: Schools didn’t act on report

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