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Waprovencal: Using the words "entitled" and "over-compensated" is not name calling, but rather a characterization of their status. Taking home test papers, book reports, term papers to correct is...ready?...part of the job for which they signed up. Ditto, helping a struggling student after school, as we've been told time and again that it's "...all for the children". The purchase of school supplies is a choice. Coaches are compensated extra for their coaching duties. Most responsible adults get to work early to properly prepare for the day, at least those who are successful.

My parents taught me to write, and economic urgency prepared me for employment. I have thanked my former teachers many times over the years and will continue to do so. But not one of them dislocated a shoulder while patting himself on the back for helping a struggling student.

From: A product of the teachers, not the system

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