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In paragraph 3 you failed to concede that in fact after you were vehemently opposed to the airport expansion, and in your own letters within 1 month, you completely retracted your position with no reasoning and encouraged the dismissal of the litigation after the team of Mr. Sekarchi, RIAC and the negotiator Wilkinson entered into an undisclosed agreement for the expansion. That reversal of your position resulted in the destruction of a portion of a community, loss of tax revenue, environmental impact, all which was based upon speculation. To expand the facts, as we are all aware, the need for the expansion was based upon a mathematical equation of the thrust vs weight ratio of the Boeing 737-300 GE engines at the time of the original expansion proposal, which as of the date of agreement to expand, those engines and thrust ratio's are complete obsolete. I am more than happy to debate you publicly on those specific points. As to personal gain, how does one measure the personal gain of a politician who historically has never held a job in the private sector? (no disrespect intended)

As to paragraph 4. The PILOT money was all too short, all too late, did not cover the losses of tax revenue, did not make the community whole for the property loss and loss of quality of life. Also, as far as governors positions on the expansion, Scott, you openly supported and advocated for the dumbest Rhode Islander to become Governor. Link Chafee, laughing stock of the political world, your buddy with deep ties. Did you not have the courage to inform him of what a moron he truly was, but somehow supported the dope in the name of party, relationships, politics before people. I would love to hear your reasoning on how you supported the dope of the century. Great insight there Scott. OMG !! Would you admit on Bill Orielly that you supported him?

As to paragraph 5. Are you driving through Warwick with a blind fold? Have you not seen the negative impact of your decisions and lack of courage to fight airport expansion? Have you not seen the detriment to the city? Not withstanding the ridiculous lease that you and Vella entered into with RIAC on Winslow. No one, I repeat, No one in business would ever enter into such an agreement.

As to paragraph 6. Chick Fillet and Wild Wings does not constitute economic development and / or, a correct path for economic development and quality of life. As opposed to maybe a school structure not falling apart and inspected in accordance with local fire codes. Maybe??

As to paragraph 7. All of the above noted successes are all based upon speculation and as of this date, (much like the airport) have no measurable success. Let remind you, as the structural inspector of record for RIAC during the 2007 -8 expansion, and as a pilot, I can tell you if you don't already know the publicly available numbers, flights from TF Green are down 32% since the last expansion. This fact was admitted in the hearings in 2012 by Kevin Dillon when I asked the question in front of the council when he testified. Again, speculation and number manipulation does not constitute economic success. However, given the mentality of both the current and past city council (with FEW exception) they would believe anything you tell them.

As to paragraph 9. Every department is over budget, firefighters own you, you enter into illegal VERBAL contracts not ratified by the council, your policies and negotiations favor union labor which has put the taxpayer into increased uncontrolled debt, and there is no evidence of any disciplinary measures as the ditch dodge and hide game continues every day with DPW, WFD, and virtually every department in the city with exception to the police department. Which by the way, has suffered cuts every year while the rest of your labor unions rape the taxpayer in accordance with the outrageous benefits you bestow upon them. Scott, if you had some balls, and you weren't afraid of political fallout, you would institute GPS in all the vehicles. But we know that will never happen under your watch because if it did, you would be held accountable for an over abundance of unnecessary manpower. When will you take a stand on efficiency? When will we have the face to face sit down to discuss these issues that you have promised for the last 2 years? Tell you what, $10,000 says you don't have the guts to go to the schools and explain to the kids the debt and tax obligation that you are leaving them in the future due to your decisions in the past. Want to have that conversation in public? Pick the venue, I'll pay the bill. I am saddened that your response appears to be a request to Crown Trophy Co. to manufacture a trophy in your likeness, patting yourself on back, but the fact remains, you have been at the helm during a period if social and urban decay, dilapidation of educational facilities, decrease of assets, increase of liabilities to be passed on to the next generation, and destruction of generational neighborhoods in the name of speculation, not in the name of progress, not in the name of health and safety, and not in the name of enrichment in the community. By the way,again, at the time of your choice and your venue, I would be more than happy to discuss these points in public and I'll pay the tab.

As far as the summer job program, tell the truth for Gods sake. This year it was give away gifts to employee's kids. For once just call it like it is and break away from the mantra of never admitting a mistake.

In closing, in too tired to discuss your lack of action on the fire department shopping sprees. Ill save that for later. But, believe me, as I said to your sweetheart Vella. If you think I raised hell with the car tax revolt, you AINT SEEN NOTHING YET if the shopping spree with apparatus continues.

Best regards,

Rob Cote

From: Mayor counters Corrente assertions, stays positive

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