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I couldn't agree with RISchadenfreude any more than I already do. These rotaries only work if drivers cooperate, and that's not going to happen. These atrocities are Avedesian's idea, something to help Apponaug go all "boutiquey." They are also much more expensive than what we really need - a bypass/extension from the intersection of Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive to the intersection of Tollgate and Centreville Roads, open Veterans Memorial Drive to two-way trqaffic, do a little MINOR reconfiguration of the other intersections, including eliminating Post Road in front of City Hall as a convenient cut-through, and you're done - and what you'd have is the Post Road Bypass running from Greenwood to Veterans Memorial Drive to Centreville Road as one continuous road, and at a quicker pace than what we now have. And it would be long completed by now, and at or under budget.

I submitted this in detail to the DOT who told me the rotaries plan was safer...

BTW - if you want to see one of today's new and improved rotaries in action, check out the one at the intersection of Providence, East Main, and Central Street, and watch how the locals handle rotary driving. They stop in the rotary to let people enter, but don't stop while entering, and (this is my favorite) they go right to the brick-paved inner circle, which is there strictly for aesthetics and to put some size in the rotary - not be used for traffic. And when they want to exit the rotary, they just scoot out from that same inner circle, much like taking a right turn from the left lane - regardless of who's behind them.

Thank God it's a low-volume rotary most of the day....

From: Village rounds begin

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