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Mr. Doyle, I disagree. In the private sector (which so many feel the Schools should try to emulate) it is not uncommon for a $160 million enterprise to have a Communications / PR director or outside agency to develop and deliver messaging. it's good busimess and God knows, the SC has not been able to effectively deliver it's message in decades.

Mr. Corrente, the expenditure fell below the amount required for bidding it out. Not every expenditure of the SC, the City Council, or any public agency for that matter has to receive taxpayer or Council approval. To do so handcuffs the organization and can prevent it from acting. Further, please stop implying that SC expenditures need City Council or taxayer approval. You are familiar with the current systemn of school governance vis a vis the City and comments like that are superfluous.

From: Diverting funds from education

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