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Dear Stephen Creta,

I have done a fair amount of research about this issue. Here's what I have learned. After meeting on several occasions with Fire Chief Ed Armstrong and Firefighters Union President Bill Lloyd I have learned that half of the supermarket visits are on the way to work by Firefighters that have not yet "punched in". The other half is from Firefighters that are on duty but working extended hours making it necessary to take a mid-shift grocery run. Lloyd pointed out that there are many other grocery trips made that go unnoticed because the Firefighters are not in uniform and therefore not "on duty" or performed by family and friends. As far as the Warwick Firefighters vehicles being used, there seems to be agreement with Mr. Cote that there should be and will be less of that.

You are right to point out that no matter what, they are "on-call" 24/7/365. We have one of the best fire departments in the country. Look at the Four Seasons 2:20 A.M. fire. Dozens of residents. Pitch black night. No electricity. And also no injuries and no casualties!!! It's hard to find fault with their record. But maybe they could use the city vehicles a little less often.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor - 2016

From: Tally of wasted man-hours ludicrous

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