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Yes, the manpower is being paid but that's not the issue is it? The issue is the use of the trucks (with additional wear & tear and wasted gas) to go shopping and that absolutely shouldn't be happening as there is NO NEED for it. They need to buy their own food on their own time and on the own dime...not mine!

Have to wonder about those "supporters" on that FB page. Firefighters? Friends/family of firefighters? City workers that also abuse the system and think it's right? The Captain isn't in the minority. There are many people who aren't on FB or don't attend all the meetings, that feel as he does.

Firefighters have a schedule just like everyone else. Yes, they may have to work extended hours but that doesn't happen EVERY shift and there can be meal planning done when not on duty. Those "mid shift" trips to the market are NOT necessary! I have personally seen the SAME people, in the SAME trucks (including Special Hazards) days in a row! They go in and buy enough for ONE meal. You know, where they hit the deli and order 4 slices of ham and 2 slices of cheese and grab a single roll to make a sandwich. Then get a bag of chips or something else but it's never more than ONE meal. Then they're back the next day shopping again for ONE meal. They know there is an issue with this, they just don't care.

Go shopping on your day a package of rolls, a pound of deli meats & cheeses, other snacks and bring it to work with you. There are PLENTY of things that can be purchased for the "unexpected extended hours" where you might starve ya know? If you think you'll need something, you can always stop at Stop & Shop or Dave's on your way into work. Chances are with one or the other being close to the stations you're going to pass by one on your way in. Work with your co-workers to buy and share your food. If you're all supposed to be "brothers and sisters" can't you trust that one of them won't eat all your food if you're off shift?

As for the comment about how they're appreciated at the local stores....LMAO, you do realize the employees are paid to be nice to EVERYONE. You're not that just think you are.

From: Tally of wasted man-hours ludicrous

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