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Rob Cote has been called a lot of things. Some of them are "negative, offensive, critical, disruptive, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, counter-productive, mean, bold and destructive". But without a watchdog like Mr. Cote, Warwick would be in a much bigger mess than we already are. Theft of the Warwick Taxpayers money is so rampant and blatant that I get the impression that these individuals have the attitude that they can "do no wrong", that they are "entitled" to steal whenever they want, whatever they want. They're wrong, and Cote caught them.

If those in charge, from the Mayor on down, are unknowledgeable, they are incompetent and should be removed. If they ARE knowledgeable they are as guilty as LaPlante, and should be arrested. That's how bad the problem is!

As far as Mr. Cote; if we had a hundred concerned citizens like him, no one would dare attempting to "borrow tools", "receive free stuff", or buy personal items "on the City's credit card". Mr. "JohnStark" suggests that "NO ONE was watching the hen house" and that there was an "air of entitlement and invincibility". He is completely right. Warwick needs an audit from an outside source and Warwick needs it NOW! I put that in my campaign platform over a year ago and when elected I will make it a top priority. It's time to right this wrong.

Happy New Year to all.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor - 2016

From: Actions in the wake of LaPlante affair

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