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This "watchdog" did not assault any WFD member. This watchdog walked over to ladder 3 that arrived at the Han Palace for take out and simply asked the question "do you think that it is appropriate to take this piece of apparatus to go and get take out"?

Your WFD member laughed and said take it up with the mayor. By the way Mr. WFDmember, the entire 60 seconds of the "assailing question", is on video and on audio by 2 separate people.

In addition, because I had the audacity to ask a simple question to a PUBLIC SERVANT, he called for fire back up and both engine 3 and the battalion chief arrived in 30 seconds. The running away part is very clever, as I walked back to my office less than 100 ft away.

Your comments exemplify your fecklessness and acceptance of poor behavior. Oh, by the way, this was the same crew that was video taped at stop & shop buying a bag of popcorn kernals. And we wonder why the city is broke? Try to stick to the subject.

From: Actions in the wake of LaPlante affair

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