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On the Mal Damage, I'm guessing her grandson's behavior on the road, or his general popularity with others, is not what grandma believes it to be.

On the vehicle larceny, it would have been nice of the neighbor to call 911 when the theft was ACTUALLY HAPPENING- officers probably would have caught them, since shift change was complete and the thieves spent some time committing the act- she had a lot of useful detail! Maybe she doesn't like him...

Last but not least, the DUI: Is all the detail necessary? I know that it's "public record", but this man has family, friends, neighbors, etc., and this is nothing short of shaming a resident of the City. Yes, he committed a civil infraction (misdemeanor), but to go into such detail in a family/community paper is just unnecessary.

When people sober up and realize what they've done, they are often already ashamed of themselves; knowing this was printed for all to see could push someone over the edge. I believe a little discretion is appropriate, as I doubt the writer wouldn't want to see an article like this about a friend or loved one.

For the record, I don't know Mr. Eccleston or anyone who does.

I hope he (and the writer) get the help they need- the writer gets to remain anonymous.

From: Police Log

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