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After having watched the political gyrations the Republican Party is going through in their efforts to reject the candidacy of Donald Trump one must come to the conclusion that what many have said about them over the years is correct. They really are no different than the Democrats. The Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission really does give them their marching orders and the only difference between them and the Democrats is that the have been directed to hide their socialist proclivities where the Democrats have been allowed to let them all hang out. The two political parties really are nothing more than two different wings on the same socialist turkey and, as usual, and by design, it is flying in the wrong direction.

The American people are being stiffed by the Internationalists and it is on purpose and with the consent of all three branches of the government. The Constitution is no protection whatever for the public when all three branches of government are in collusion to ignore it and are aided and abetted by a prostitute NOT TRUMP media.

If the Republicans were really "conservative" they would not be having the problem they are with Donald Trump. If the other Republican candidates were really as conservative as they claim they would not all be looking for ways to dump him. You have to come to the conclusion with Trump, that if the left and the so-called right both hate his guts then he must be doing something right! And the fact that both left and "right" are so anxious to deep six him tells you that, at root, they have the same socialist agenda. The left is left. The "right" is really left and the American public has no one in government to defend it. All they want to do is to make sure they get your guns before you start to realize this.

The Ruling Establishment knows the public is fed up. They couldn't care less! They figure whatever they shove down our throats we'll take it, like the RI tolls. They will find some way to sidetrack Trump and we will get the weakest possible Republican candidate to run against Hillary and it will be business as usual in the "District of Corruption."

From: Not Trump

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