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One of the key contributing factors in this mess is mentioned in the first sentence: "interested residents". The rooms should be overflowing for these meetings, but the mayor and the City Council minions count on the ignorance and apathy of the majority of residents.

If the people of Warwick, and the State in general, paid attention to what is going on in government and what their "representatives" are doing, they'd throw them out on their ears during the upcoming election season and continue to do so until they elect people who hold themselves to a higher standard.

Please help Ms. Wilkinson retire quietly- since she's decided not to run again in Warwick, vote for her opponent in the State election; she is obviously incompetent and shouldn't get away with getting "kicked upstairs" a la David Ciccilline, leaving a huge mess behind her, especially one which she doesn't even understand. She doesn't want any questions asked prior to the elections- let's make it Warwick's business to warn the rest of the State of her obvious ineptitude and lack of qualification.

Has anyone read The Peter Principle? Ms. Wilkinson has obviously reached her "Level of Incompetence"- ensure she isn't promoted.

Thanks, Mr. Cote.

From: Where assumptions are leading city pensions

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