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Like many policies, this one is and has been abused for some time; there's a new Chief at the helm, and he's addressing this and other abuses of protocol. That being said, shopping for the crew has been a part of firehouse routine as far back as anyone knows in Warwick, and innumerable other fire departments across the country.

Although Mr. Cote's diligence is commendable, it also seems to have passed the point of obsession-perhaps a new hobby such as crocheting doilies or a paid job in private investigation would help fill his idle hours (noting how many hours the trucks are at the stores requires a lot of idle time). Before embarking on a PI position, though, I'd suggest a notebook and pencil to jot down your observations- it seems your recall of what you've observed just hours before often doesn't pass muster when compared to the facts. Just be happy your observations aren't being used for court testimony- the opposing lawyer would tear you apart.

Congratulations and best wishes to Chief McLaughlin in his new position.

"Thecaptain"...of what?!

From: Policy lets firefighters use trucks for shopping trips

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