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See as a non-Rhode Islander, you have the luxury of not suffering the constant embarrassment and national humiliation we garner from at the hands of our "esteemed leaders. "Holiday Tree" anyone? Do you use the Metric System? THAT is the difference. You can simply laugh because you are not from here... Being a Rhode Islander I can only say that we are just so much better than that and given a chance, we have an awful lot to offer, pot holes aside. We are smart, we are rebellious, we are proud and we will get in you face if you tell us otherwise. Besides the Icelandic/ Shark Fin/ Southwest Airlines ripoff, we could have pointed out the rich and colorful beauty of our state, our rich and colorful history, the movies and celebrities we have attracted here. But, nope, we get shamed with "Cooler and Warmer". Might as well slap up a big old picture of a donkey and call us "the Jackass State".... A Rhode Islander would understand the difference.

From: Cooler & Warmer really ‘worked’

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