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When it appeared that Israel was in danger of losing this war, Nixon ordered a massive 20,000 ton airlift of American arms and equipment sent to Israel that helped Israel win the 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR. Nixon then reestablished formal relations between the United States and Egypt in April of 1974 and negotiated the disengagement of forces between Israel, Egypt and Syria on May 31 of 1974. Next, President Nixon launched new Middle East peace talks in June of 1974 when he became the first American president to visit Israel, Syria, Egypt, and other members of the Arab Coalition in June of 1974.

During his visit to Egypt, Nixon and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat traveled by rail from Cairo to Alexandria. Over three million Egyptians gathered at the many stations along the way to cheer Nixon and display signs that read, “God Bless Nixon”. At the conclusion of the trip, Nixon and Sadat created and signed the “Principles of Relations and Cooperation between Egypt and the United States”. The signing of this document led to the Camp David Peace Accords under the leadership of President Jimmy Carter.

From: Posturing, blaming, overgeneralization make easy targets, but weak solutions

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