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I agree SOS 822., Thornton is picking and choosing what he releases so that he looks good and that teachers look bad. He has a past history of going into school districts and consolidating, that is the real reason the school committee hired him. He is duplicitous in the fact that he is states he is for a fair working conditions and school environment for all. He really is for cutting special education and slashing teachers to satisfy school committee members Ahearn and Nadeau personal jaded agenda against teachers . As soon as he does his dirty work he will leave for his next position and pay raise, which is his real mission. What's sad is he was a former teacher you think he would remember where he came from and actually negotiate a contract ,instead of hiring 2 lawyers that are just siphoning more money from the tax payers of Warwick to do a job that already have people hired and voted to do. He is just like any other political figure hide the facts , skew the truth and keep the people in the dark until his personal agenda is met then leave when the proverbial turd hits the fan. Thanks Phil.

From: Thornton, WTU trade barbs over teacher offers

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