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Ok Rick, what would you have done differently at RIPTA? Would you cut services to the elderly or low income riders? That is part of the cuts that were being proposed a couple years ago. RIPTA is public transportation, it's not meant to be a cash cow.

It's easy to criticize someones record when you don't have one. This isn't a race for chairman of RIPTA, this is a race for the mayor of Warwick. As mayor when you cut car taxes for seniors, give tax breaks to new homeowners, tax breaks for new businesses that will create a sizeable hole in revenue. You have also said you would like to buy municipal employees out of their pensions. Has there been any studies conducted of what that would cost? How much will your tax breaks cost taxpayers? How many seniors would be eligible to receive this tax credit of 50% of car taxes? How do you replace lost revenue when you cut those taxes?

It's easy to say cut taxes, cut spending. It even fits nicely on a poster. When you put pen to paper reality sets in. The city cannot afford these types of giveaways. Services would have to be cut, pensions/ benefits would have to be trimmed and property taxes may even have to go up (unless you're a new homeowner, in that case the city will give you a tax cut). I was open minded about this election but your lack of specifics, some of your unnecessary cheap shots at the mayor, and your unwillingness to answer questions I've posed to you on here has me rethinking that.

From: Corrente gives Avedisian 'F' on RIPTA service, agency counters

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