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Oh goodie... I can't wait for another year of tax hikes and raises for the connected! I love how so many members who "run" our City didn't see their houses increase (including Avedesians house)... The list is long. Meanwhile my elderly neighbors will be paying +600 more a year on a street with 2 run down abandoned houses yet all our houses increased in value but Piccozis house didn't? Huh? Car taxes and insurance in Warwick are INSANELY high!! I'm paying a thousand dollars more in house taxes in the 7 years of ownership. And for what? For a very, very expensive public school, fire and police department. I have nothing against them - it's just their salaries combined with those overly generous benefits will eventually bankrupt Warwick.

I have had buyers regret ever since I moved here. I should have known this city would be as crooked as the State. I can't wait to leave. Nothing will change here because there are way too many people on the public dole to keep these tax and spend pols in power.

From: Mayor declares for 9th full term

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