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Dear WwkVoter,

Your newest accusation says my comments are "smoke and mirrors with zero substance."

I clearly stated my platform twice in this article alone. You are afraid to even tell us your real name!

You didn't mention ONE THING Avedisian is planning to do if elected.

You didn't mention ONE THING Avedisian has done in the last 16 years (other than raise taxes EVERY YEAR!).

You didn't mention ONE THING Avedisian stands for. When I responded to your original comment how he "is the right man for the job." you had NO DEFENSE of Scott Avedisan.

There is "smoke and mirrors with no substance" going on here WwkVoter, but it's coming from you!

Sorry to hit you so hard with the truth WwkVoter, but you were asking for it.

Have an enjoyable Forth of July anyway.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

P.S. If you want the whole platform please visit

From: Mayor declares for 9th full term

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