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My point is Mr. Corrente whether it is a tax credit or a tax rebate it costs money. Not collecting building permit fees for 2 years costs money. Voluntary pension buyouts will only work if employees believe they are getting a better deal, in order for them to get a better deal it is going to cost alot of money.

I also asked you the question in my last comment how much would it cost to pay 50% of seniors car taxes? I didn't think it was out of line to ask a candidate for mayor what his proposals will cost. I agree with you when it comes to an audit. The problem is one should've been conducted already, and the people you support in the council bare some responsibility for that. That was another part of my last comment that you didn't address. Do you support the budget approved by the city council? I could go on, but I'll stop there. As far as cutting you slack you are a candidate for mayor of this city. If you cannot take debate or constructive criticism, I'm not sure this is the job for you.

Also, I have been complimentary of you in other comments. Saying it's good that you put proposals out there. I also appreciate that fact that you stepped up to run. You weren't telling me to "cut you some slack" then.

Did you cut the mayor slack when you suggested he knew nothing about the schools because he doesn't have a wife or kids? Lastly, name one question I asked that wasn't a fair question?

Happy 4th!!!!

From: Mayor declares for 9th full term

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