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Hey Dick Corrente:

It's quite clear from your "campaign" of comments on this site that you really don't want a debate; you just want to attack the mayor -- and then ignore how easily your attacks are dismissed.

"The city is taxing us enormously," you say -- as if there's nothing good that comes of it. But by any objective measure, Warwick is on a better financial footing than any other community of its size.

And, by the way, Warwick is #11 for taxes in the state -- behind Providence, Pawtucket, Cranston, East Providence, Central Falls, and Woonsocket, which all have had severe financial crises over the past several years while Warwick hasn't.

So, those "enormous" taxes [which, relatively speaking, aren't] are paying to keep the city out of a financial hole -- and that's a bad thing?!

And just what is City Centre "costing the taxpayers?" If you're arguing that the lack of development means that the city isn't benefiting from development that could provide additional tax revenue, then just be honest and say so. This bumper-sticker rhetoric is really amateur.

Oh, and did you see where a candidate for Prime Minister in Britain pulled out of the race after suggesting that another candidate wouldn't be as qualified because she didn't have kids?

So, Dick, when are you going to back out of the race after your comments about Avedisian from a few weeks back?

From: GOP endorses Avedisian, Gabriele named interim committee chair

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