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Is this a matter of "freedom of speech" or "freedom to have any political sign, any size, at any time prior to the election"?

I spoke to Al DeCorte 10 months ago. I learned what you can do and can't. No lawn sign more than 16 square feet, not sooner than 60 days prior to a primary, if you are in one or the election if you are not. No signs attached to a telephone pole or a traffic sign or a tree. Any candidate can look it up in the Warwick Zoning Ordinances 803.D. DeCorte explained that billboards, vehicles signs, and print ad signs do not apply to the ordinance.

Enforcement is another issue; one that I will monitor closely. If Republicans get away with breaking this law (remember that we have a Republican Mayor) but Democrats don't then I will be the first one to call the ACLU. However, the way it looks to me, those that are violating the zoning law are not protected by freedom of speech. No one is stopping them from stating their message just as long as they do it without breaking the zoning law.

Steven Brown, the executive director for the ACLU is a brilliant man, but in my opinion he is over zealous to help regarding this issue. If it ever went to court, I think, (and I am not an attorney) the ACLU would lose.

Sorry Dean. The rest of the Warwick citizens have rights too. In the interest of "good faith" shouldn't we all conform to one standard? The standard the Zoning Board set seems to be a fair one, at least to me.

Thanks for reading this.

Enjoy your Summer. Enjoy your campaign.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Early signs of a hot campaign

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