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Dear Scal1024,

You said "How is that allowed but "other lawn signs" are not. I took that as you saying my sign was in the same category as a lawn sign. Sorry. Also, I deeply respect our rights to have signs and, in fact never commented on the "too early" issue, but I do believe we should take into consideration the 80,000 taxpayers that have to look at our signs. Do they need to see more than the zoning regulations say are sufficient? My opinion is "no", but that's just my opinion.

Dear Captain,

According to Al DeCorte, your own campaign headquarters are exempt. He said it is a rented sign just like a billboard since we rent the office and that is the sign on the office. You will note Avedisian has his up year-long.

Dear longtimewarwickite,

I never complained about you putting up your sign "a week or 2 early", I just quoted what I was told by the Building Director, Al DeCorte. I do think that your comment that I "skirted the law" is incorrect. I learned what the law was and followed it. You said you see no technical difference? You broke the law. I followed the law. Kind of a big difference, don't you agree?

Dear wheelchairman,

I never commented on you being singled out to take your signs down because I didn't know you were! I made my opinion known because that is my right under the 1st amendment. Remember Dean, it's only an opinion.

Dear Kammy,

I comment when I read the Beacon. If I am first to do so, should I apologize? Does it matter? Can my written comments have a "condescending tone"? I don't think so but if you would like to hear the sound of my voice call me at 338-9900. Asking me what I bring to the table can be thought of as "judgmental". I have an idea. Visit my website at learn all about my platform. Write down ANY hard question you would like to ask and then call and ask? I don't want you or anyone to feel off-putting about me. I try to be as open and honest and clear as anyone can be. As far as the political experience, I like to think of myself as having an unblemished record running against a Mayor who raised your taxes every year for 16 years in a row. I find that "off-putting" and when he says that RIPTA is "now in a much better place" after assets plummeted by $14,703,460 a year, liabilities skyrocketed by $79,579,486 a year and income crashed by $2,554,279 per year (that's $1,400 EVERY DAY !!), I find that level of arrogance to be the very definition of the word "condescending".

Kammy, As far as Elorza, he promised "no tax increase" and spent the first 90 days of his administration examining every dollar in and every dollar out to learn where Providence can save taxpayers money. I plan on following his good example. I look forward to your call.

Enjoy your Summer

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Early signs of a hot campaign

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