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Dear Dr. Thornton,

You want $250,000,000 from the taxpayers to update our schools which is a noble task, except for one thing. Warwick taxpayers can't afford it! We are not "Taxed Enough Already" (TEA). We are now "Taxed Beyond All Reason" (TBAR). It would be nice to have a state-of-the-art educational facility but aren't we getting WAY ahead of ourselves? Shouldn't we have teachers under contract first? They are willing to sit with you and School Committee (SC) and negotiate a contract. Why are you stalling? In the court of Public Opinion Phil, the SC has lost and lost BIG. Without quality teachers, some of which have already moved on to other towns and cities, all these beautiful renovations will be for vacant buildings. Without students, some of which have already enrolled in other schools, these beautiful renovations will be for nothing!

I am not an educator. I'm a businessman. The School Committee, as a business is a colossal failure. Since 2009 the Warwick taxpayers have given the SC over a billion dollars and we have almost NOTHING to brag about. Phil, fix the teacher contract first. Then, on the heels of that success, talk to the Warwick taxpayers about "step 2" I promise; you will get a much better reception, at least from this taxpayer. I do admire your diligent efforts and wish you success with the teachers. Today would be a good day to call them.

Take good care.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Stadium included in $90M bond plan

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