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Dear Steve Martin,

We have lost the tax revenue of over 100 Warwick homes in the last few years due to the airport expansion, and in total, it has been over 300 homes. The real estate tax losses can't be tabulated because taxes for future values "forever" can only be estimated. Suffice to say it is in the hundreds of millions of Warwick Tax Dollars. What we got in return is soil, water, noise and air pollution.

As Mayor I WILL renegotiate the Airport Expansion Agreement. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I have met with Peter Frazier, the new President and CEO of the RIAC. He has impressed me as a person of integrity that truly wants the Airport to be a better neighbor. I will do everything possible to help him accomplish that. The result will be a win-win for us all.

Stay tuned and feel free to hold me accountable for the promise.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: New flight pattern not as advertised

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