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Final Honor Role? Final?

I don't think so. These young leaders are just getting started! Congrats to all! ALSO... congrats to the teachers that put up with your repeated questions, translated your essays and listened to why your homework assignment was late...again. Oh wait. That last part was me.

Joking aside, you wouldn't have made it to the Honor Role without your teachers. Now, they need you. They have been working without a contract for WAY too long. The Warwick Teachers Union is willing to negotiate. The Warwick School Committee is not. In the Court of Public Opinion, the teachers win and win big. Please join me and encourage the SC to meet with the Teachers Union before this gets too much worse.

Thank you!

Enjoy your Summer and again, sincere congratulations!

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Vets High announces final honor roll

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