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Congratulations Barbara!

Warwick has another award-winning teacher. It's a damn shame the teachers don't have contracts! As Mayor, I will make this a top priority. I understand that the Mayor can't take part in the actual negotiations but the Mayor is responsible to the taxpayers to make sure that there ARE NEGOTIATIONS! If I have to buy them lunch, I will. If I have to call each one of them one hundred times, I will. If I have to lock them in a room until they find common ground, I probably won't. There probably is some law against that, but that is how committed I am to get the two parties to just talk to each other. I can't have a school system that is causing students, teachers and taxpayers to "look elsewhere" for their education.

I just can't.

Mayor Avedisian hasn't attended one School Committee meeting. I haven't missed one. Which kind of a Mayor do you prefer? Please visit

Thank you. Welcome to Autumn.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Scott School teacher wins Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science teaching

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