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$300 million? $300 million??

Since 2009 Warwick taxpayers have given the Warwick School Department over a BILLION DOLLARS and today we have

1. Teachers with no contracts

2. Students with no Chromebooks

3 Buildings that are literally falling down and

4. A Mayor that refuses to get involved. (He states that he has a "hands-off policy),

and Steve Gothberg wants another $300 Million? $300 million?? Are you kidding me?? The taxpayers have been taken advantage of for long enough! I understand that the law that doesn't allow any interference from the Mayor once the $160,000,000 is given to the School Department so my plan is this.

"I care about our students, our teachers, our parents, and our taxpayers. As Mayor I will never hand over $160 million dollars of taxpayers money without some kind of accountability from the School Department". Before inauguration day, it would be a good idea for the School Dept. to sit and at least try to work out a contract with the teachers. If they want $160 million from the taxpayers it would look better if they at least try to make themselves look like they care. At the moment, they don't.

My cousin Caroline is a retired school teacher (of 40+ years) in Orlando Florida. They have the largest school district in the nation with 367,000 students, ONE SUPERINTENDENT, and none of the issues Warwick has. The entire state of Rhode Island has a total of 142,000 students and 38 superintendents. (38!) I wonder how we would function if we only had one superintendent for the whole state. I'm guessing it would be a lot more streamlined.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Thornton: schools pursued complaints

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