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Mr. Corrente,

The way you miss quote facts is disturbing, Orlando FL. Schools are part of the Orange County Public Schools in Orange County FL the population is larger than the state of RI. Which is NOT the largest school system in the country it is currently 9th with 187,902 students which means they are not even the largest school system in Florida they are the 4th largest.

Why would anyone vote for you when you cannot even be bothered to do any simple research stop the BS really please? You have been running for office how long now and your plan is junk I have read your web site and well if you truly think that you have a plan I guess that is the problem.

If you’re willing to miss lead the public about meaningless stuff like the size of a school district what else are you miss lead the public about? You seem to think it is okay not to do our leg work.

From: Thornton: schools pursued complaints

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