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You miss the point, you pay no attention to detail (not a good sign for someone who wants to control a budget), and you should really read the city charter and see what power the mayor of Warwick has.

You have come out and claimed alliance with the current city council (though in a recent search I find that not one of them have publicly supported you) who have all raised our taxes right along with the Mayor but actually reduced the school budget thanks to a surplus for last year of $2049279.00.

As for the bond number that you quote we all know that the $300mil. is a BS number (he actually said $250mil again lack of detail from you), that said there has been deferred maintenance and the schools seem to not be ADA compliant (lawsuit waiting to happen), it is 2016 and the schools still are not asbestos free and not to mention all the roof issues district wide. Do you think these projects can be accomplished with the school operating budget? You claim to be behind with the teachers but you act as though $160 mil. is too high of a number for the school budget and knowing where the largest portion goes it would seem that is just more political pandering.

I know you have no answers just talking points and that is okay because in spite of Warwick needing a change in leadership you’re not it just ask around town ¾ of the population have no idea who you are. You condescend to the public that you want to elect you and say “see my wed site for my plan” if that is your best plan well good luck because you will need it to get more than 2000 votes.

It is political science 101 you give one tax paying voter a reason to not like you they tell 10 people and the 10 people tell 10 people and so on….

From: Thornton: schools pursued complaints

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