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Once again the people in the USA must decide who is the lesser of two EVILS on the one hand you have a career politician who has a nasty temper, a drinking problem, books written about her by former employees who testify what a horrible person she is, and so many controversies following her it reads like a Tom Clancy novel! On the other hand you have a guy who has no political experience, a hot temper, isn't politically correct, and won't "apologize" to anyone, and is not afraid to make enemies of people and persons who are nothing but spoiled teenagers who want everything handed to them, or told NO we can't afford it. He's not afraid to use the term "Illegal Aliens" or "Islamic Extremist/Terrorist" and he tells it like he sees it. Granted he's a "bull in the china shop" but I'd rather have an honest, straight forward LEADER than a sneaky, conniving, untrustworthy CRIMINAL LIAR. as the head of the nation. And NO I don't mind a woman President. Just not THAT woman!

From: Hillary not worthy of being president

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