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It was nice to see a summary that was not TOTALLY biased. But your analysis of the moderators is totally off the mark. "Raddatz and Cooper barely kept control of the wild elephant and donkey." They started off with an attack on Trump and never slacked off nor put the same level of scrutiny to Clinton. The bias they showed should make any TRUE journalist (read fair and balanced) to shame. So when all the questions they asked were designed to throw Trump - how do you expect the debate to touch on real policy matters? They did NOTHING in that direction. Let's start with the fact that Trump was asked to defend an unproven accusation of what 11 years ago, and Hillery was never questioned about her attacks against the women who WERE assaulted by Mr. Clinton? So it YOU want to throw out these types of "personality traits" attacks you had better put on your journalist moral integrity suit and throw the same pitch at the other candidate. Do YOU wear the label of George Soros' henchman or the label of journalist?

From: Four candidates, two debates, and a hopeless mess

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