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Moving blindly on to Phase 2 of the school consolidation when EVERYONE (even the panel) agrees that Phase 1 has been delayed, is like starting chapter 2 of a textbook when you have only taught half of chapter 1. It will take a "danger" and make it a "disaster". We can't do this to our taxpayers, our teachers, our parents, and, especially, to our students! We just can't.

The School Consolidation Panel has to see that. And yet at both of the consolidation meetings that I attended we saw a slide show (that could have been offered as an e-mail, a webinar, or multiple other ways of communication) followed by commentary by the panel with no consideration to the needs of the public. None. Don't they realize that it is their job to attend to the needs of the public? Are they that blind? I am frustrated and I believe most of us are as well. Please attend the consolidation meeting tonight (10-19-16) at City Hall and voice your opinion. Voice it loudly. Hopefully, they will finally hear us.


Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat For Mayor

From: Consolidation panel doesn`t deviate from plan to close schools

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