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The riots, the tantrums, the fearmongering of the days since the election are WHY Trump won, not BECAUSE he won- the average American voter (specifically those who pay taxes and respect the law) are tired of the antics of the last 8 years, from the president running the country by executive fiat, arm-twisting and shady deals and multiple scandals to the continuous rioting by the spoiled-brat minority who act out when they don't get their way and are encouraged through silence by the media and the president (hey, he'll never be more than an Alinskyite community organizer at his core).

If you believe the riots in Portland were about the election, look at the numbers- only about 30% of those arrested actually voted.

The best way to deal with people who act as though they're "victimized" by reality is to ignore them and get on with the business of restoring this country.

The best thing about Obama's executive overreach is it can be negated with the stroke of a pen; and if the left is whining now, wait and see if Trump follows Obama's bad example of "I've got a pen and I've got a phone"- I don't think he'll need to, since he has both the House and Senate, as well as 35 Governors and most State assemblies.

At least Rhode Islanders will have someone to blame again.

From: Why Trump won and the aftermath of the election

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