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Since the head ventriloquist doll @thatguyinri of Thortons puppets show asked me to say a few words on the incompetent school administration and committee. As everyone knows 4 girls were inappropriately touched by another student at Norwood, Mr. Nadeau was contacted as well as the administration and they all sat on there hands and let it happen 2 in one month and 2 in the next, but that's okay because it wasn't your kids. Well Mr. Nadeau did absolutely nothing and has done nothing since being elected. He does have an agenda he wants music in the schools and he has also said in his campaigning wants a state of the art field for the schools to play sports. How about you build new schools and stop putting lip.stick on a pig by pretending to fix the old subpar buildings that exist. It's time for a new school committee who is in touch with reality and does what's best for the STUDENTS. No gene 18

From: Cowardly attack

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