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I met Zach Colon at the Mayoral debate. I was very impressed with him as an articulate, intelligent student and referred to him several times afterwards as a "future leader of our city".

Zach, you can now disregard the word "future". Your leadership in this event was both courageous and telling. The School Committee needs to open their eyes to these matters and no one has been able to accomplish that until now. Your demonstration of civil disobedience was respectful, peaceful, and delivered a much needed message that must to be heard. The School Committee NEEDS TO LISTEN TO THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENTS!

Gene Nadeau should embrace your message, not condemn it. If he and the other members of the School Committee were actually doing the job the taxpayers were paying them to do, the number of students would not continue to decline causing Warwick to continue closing schools.Gene says he is "proud of the was we have handled, taught and respected our IEP students".

Gene! You are wrong! The proof is in the ever-increasing decline of students! The remaining students don't agree with you. The parents don't agree with you. The teachers don't agree with you. The teachers union doesn't agree with you. City Council members don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Except for a couple of the members of the School Committee, NO ONE AGREES WITH YOU! Come on Gene! You're smarter and more compassionate than that! LISTEN TO THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENTS!

Listen to Zach Colon!

Happy New Year to all.

Rick Corrente

From: School walkout was for right reasons, student organizer says

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