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Word of this sale got to me a month prior to the election, but I had no way of proving it so I couldn't make it a campaign issue, but Ed Ladouceur is absolutely right. Why the building has fallen into such disrepair is entirely the city's' fault. Why was it never maintained to the minimum standards they require of all other real estate in the city? Why the building wasn't used (rented) for many other functions is also puzzling to me.

Avedisian says "It's a lot of money." He's right, but shouldn't we explore a way to make it profitable rather than throw it all away?

The repairs seem to be inflated and the electric bill is outrageous. $17,445 a year? Is that consistent with other buildings of that size? I don't think so. I'm suspicious of this whole thing. Keep your eye on the outcome and I will too. It smells. It smells bad.

Happy New Year all.

Rick Corrente

From: Cost of Buttonwoods Center cited as justification for closure

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