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Yet another example of the continued cuts to services in this city, in particular to seniors. Just remember people, that the last tax increase generated 4.8 million dollars all of which, (100 %) went to raises and bonuses. Those raises and bonuses conveniently were handed out just shortly before the election. Just to refresh your memory, 2 years ago, just before the election, the mayor wanted to tap the rainy day fund for $860,000 to give every city worker a $1000 bonus. Yet we continue to see services cut. For those of you that aren't paying attention, I will state again how the mayor increased the sick pay bonus scam to 75% resulting in a $932,500 bill every year to all of the firefighters that fraudulently misuse RIGL Title 45.

The mayor has touted that his pension reform plan is Gods saving gift to the city as he will save $9 million from now until 2049. Unfortunately, his gift to the firefighters sick pay scam increases the taxpayers liability by $34.5 million dollars in today's dollars over the same time period.

Some people might call this creative accounting, deceptive accounting, or fraudulent accounting. Clear thinking rational individuals who have simple math skills call this "selling the taxpayer down the river for personal gain".

From: Mayor hasn't deviated from plan to close Buttonwoods Center

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