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The Mayor seriously thinks that the JONAH building is safe and healthier for elderly residents of Warwick, or just helping to funnel additional funding support to his pal, ethically challenged Councilwoman Donna Travis, who happens to be the President of JONAH, Inc. I think the Mayor is just as unethical as her, and we'll all see really soon, since a complaint against her at Ethics Commission involves DPW employees cutting the grass weekly, raking leaves, and 6 employees- 4 City trucks, 2 City backhoes used to install a scoreboard at basketball court donated to JONAH, Inc. Violating Warwick ' s own Conflict Of Interest Ordinance. Pay attention taxpayers. The administration, and Council members using your money to furthur their own re-elections.

From: Mayor hasn't deviated from plan to close Buttonwoods Center

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