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The school issue is very complex and there are no simple solutions. You will note that certain people with a political agenda will always castigate the school committee but yet those same people never criticize certain former and current city councilors who did nothing to address the fiscal abuses on the city side of the budget. Just this week the million dollar abuse in fire dept unused sick time buybacks has come to light but yet these same school dept naysayers say nothing about the former finance chairperson Ms. Vella-Wilkinson who increased the unused sick day bonus for firemen by 50% just last year. Over the years this goodie will cost the taxpayers millions.

PS. This discussion should ONLY take place with taxpayers who actually pay taxes on time and in full. Anyone who doesn't has no seat at the table. I think it's time a petition be started asking the city council to pass an ordinance that wouldn't permit anyone who doesn't pay their taxes on time the right to run for office. It easy to advocate for new teacher contracts, increase pay for firemen as long as everyone other then the tax deadbeats are paying the bills.

From: Warwick's biggest problem...and a solution

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