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Mr. Nordin, You would have saved us a lot of time by simply stating the following: "Trump is icky. He has nominated people to cabinet positions who have actually accomplished something in their lives, and he wishes to keep us safe. Shockingly, he seeks to reduce tax rates and, worst of all, he's rich!!!" Now a few questions: What, exactly, is an "LGBT citizen" and which "rights" is Trump seeking to deprive? How does he wish to "...forgo eight years of progress in civil rights", given that race relations are worse than they've been in 25 years? How has he demonstrated "contempt for womens' rights"? I could go on and on, but why not simply conclude your remarks as follows: "We need more and bigger government. We need more people dependent upon government. We need more Producers to pay for more government, and we need more career hacks to oversee more government regulations that will strangle more businesses and result in more people becoming...,more dependent upon government." See, wasn't that easy? It's called the Rhode Island Model.

From: Patriotism is not blind submission to authority

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