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Dear Dave Testa,

You state how wrong I am and then you can't help but agree with my facts. You also state that "85% of the schools budget goes to salaries and benefits" but you omit the part that shows the School Committee is growing its' staff by 30% while the teachers are receiving a reduction in staff of about the same percentage. You want your power to increase and the teachers power to decrease.

You then say how the City Council people are elected as well as the School Committee. I don't disagree with that, but the Council is responsible to the TAXPAYERS for every dime they vote on. The School Committee, by charter, is NOT.

They should be.

I stand by my comments and believe that the taxpayers (the people who are paying the $160,000,000 tab) agree with me.

Call me David. I'll buy the coffee.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Corrente portrayal of schools `theater of absurd'

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