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Excellent question Ed.

I can answer it.

Enough will be "enough" when we finally obtain accountability from the School Department. That's when! What will accomplish that is an independent audit!

Otherwise your comment of "don't shoot the messenger" should apply to your tour guide of last Friday but shouldn't apply to any of the members of the School Committee, with the clear exception of Karen Bachus.

In the School Committee Powers and Duties (file:BBA) it states that "The School Committee shall determine and control all policies affecting the administration, construction, maintenance, and operation of the public schools"

In other words, the SC is 100% responsible for spending over a BILLION DOLLARS OF TAXPAYER MONEY since 2009 and they are doing the worst job possible. They are 100% responsible for the David LaPlante tragedy. They are 100% responsible for the Mario Atoyian tragedy. They are 100% responsible for increasing their number of administrators while reducing the number of teachers by about the same percentage, and now, they are 100% responsible for having no working fire alarms and raw sewerage dripping from the ceiling at Vets.

And the minute Warwick hands them over $160,000,000 of taxpayers money they aren't accountable to ANYONE.

Ed, make them accountable BEFORE you give them another dime of the taxpayers hard-earned money.

I have a lot of faith that you will.

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: So, when is enough, enough?

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