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Dear Mary Mason,

You couldn't be more right. This situation is criminal, and Vice Chair Gene Nadeau is at the center of it. Chairperson Bethany Furtado is too. These two can't say we "We didn't know!" They knew and they kept that critical information from the public just like they did with the Ragosta Report.

In the COMMITTEE OPERATIONAL GOALS section of their charter, (File:BA), it says that "the Committee commits itself to ensure that day-to-day operations of the school system are performed in accordance with Committee policy." Nowhere in that policy does it say "but when we have no working fire alarms, don't tell the parents!"

We have a School Committee that parents do not trust. We must protect our children. Furtado and Nadeau have to go.

I don't see any other solution. Do you?

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: What is scary

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